We produced the documentary series TEACH

TEACH©️ is a documentary series that questions the efficiency of entrepreneurship teaching programs and methods, and attempts to identify the best ways of renewing the current model. Each episode features the critical testimony of experts and entrepreneurs with varied backgrounds, profiles and experiences. Without double talk.
Watch the trailer for the documentary series TEACH
Watch episode 0 of the documentary series TEACH
Four questions underpin the narrative arc of the documentary series, and elicit responses from different professional profiles
Is entrepreneurship education fulfilling its mission?
How are those who choose to study before starting their own business trained?
Does the education system support a massive entrepreneurial dynamic?
In the age of creativity, has the education system reinvented itself sufficiently?
We set out to meet experts, professionals and entrepreneurs in France and several other countries around the world who had constructive criticism, positive or negative, that could advance the cause of entrepreneurship. As well as hearing about their experiences and analyses, we sought to gather their recommendations on how our educational models for entrepreneurship could be enriched. Economists, teachers, researchers, students, policy makers, support and investment players, school directors and founders, entrepreneurial networks, coaches and mentors, etc. - they're all from France, the Congo, Africa and Asia. They come from France, the Congo, the United States, Argentina, South Korea, the Central African Republic, the United Arab Emirates, Côte d'Ivoire, Qatar and Mexico.
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Making observations is good, taking action 
is better

Without spoiling the content of our documentary series, we can already tell you that the challenge of making entrepreneurship education more inclusive and resilient is a collective one, and not one for schools alone. Since many of the players we meet have interesting initiatives to share, we're organizing a Forum after each screening that will provoke and accelerate collaborations between the corporate and public academic worlds.
Logo Teach

Our documentary series in figures

Teach©️ points out the shortcomings of our current educational models for entrepreneurship, on the one hand, but also, and above all, points out the areas for improvement experienced by our stakeholders, on the other. The world of work, as it is generally taking shape, demands that this teaching be democratized, including for learners who will be salaried employees, as they too are increasingly recruited for their ability to take part in corporate projects, often as true intrapreneurs.
years work
people interviewed
episodes produced
project for a new episode in progress

A few images from the TEACH preview at Station F

We want to make a real impact

All our actions are geared towards making a real impact on entrepreneurs and, in particular, new entrepreneurs. Our aim is to deliver action plans that can be implemented as efficiently as possible, whatever the stage of maturity of your organization and its resources.
Read the manifesto
The TEACH Tour
Follow us as the documentary series travels the length and breadth of France. 

The documentary will be shown in 5 major French cities, in partnership with 5 emblematic locations, to offer a reflection on entrepreneurship training.

Official launch of the TEACH Tour

L’Education à l’Entrepreneuriat est au cœur des politiques publiques de nombreux pays dans le monde. Nous avons à coeur de porter notre message aussi largement que possible.
20 Mars 2023
nationale de France
episode 1 broadcast
Discover the next steps

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